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Florist Arranging Flowers


White Orchid Designs LLC is dedicated to providing the highest quality flowers and arrangements to our customers. However, on rare occasions, certain flowers or items may not be available due to weather conditions, seasonality, or other factors beyond our control. In such cases, we may need to substitute certain elements of your arrangement to ensure that you still receive a beautiful and high-quality product.


Our Substitution Policy:

Communication: We will always communicate with our customers before making any substitutions. If we need to make a substitution, we will reach out to you to get your approval.


Similar Flowers: If the specific flowers requested by the customer are not available, we will substitute them with similar flowers of equal or greater value to ensure that your arrangement still looks beautiful.


Color Scheme: We will do our best to maintain the original color scheme specified by the customer, but may need to make slight adjustments to ensure a beautiful arrangement.


Vases & Other Products: We will do our best to maintain consistency in our vases and other products like crowns,  butterflies, and bracelets as shown on our website but may need to change the brand, shape, or color depending on availability. 


Quality: We guarantee that all substituted flowers and items will be of equal or higher quality compared to the original specifications.


Refunds: If you are not satisfied with the substituted elements of your arrangement, we will do our best to make it right, including offering a full refund if necessary.


We appreciate your understanding and trust in White Orchid Designs LLC, and we are committed to delivering the best products and customer service possible. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

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